Saturday, November 7, 2020

Not News

Given all the stink going on right now respecting the claim that Donald Trump has lost the 2020 presidential election against an old man who, for all intents and purposes, didn't even run, it should not surprise anyone that the Democrats cheated their asses off. It's to be expected.

I won't list all of the obvious tip-offs indicating the election was stolen. There's plenty of information about that on the internet in spite of the gargantuan efforts of the Fake News media to cover it all up, along with the congenital criminal mentality of most of those who call themselves Democrats.

I will just give you a broad outline of why I know that they cheated in this election.

First of all, the vast majority of Democrats are leftists. Regardless of whatever else leftists may call themselves, from "liberal," to "socialist," to "democratic socialist," etc. the common thread in their ideology is the idea that some people are born to work and produce, while another group have the right to benefit from that production. Hence their angry demands for evermore free stuff, like free money (INCLUDING Basic Income,) education, health care, and so on. In other words, they believe in slavery.

It cannot be denied, not for a millisecond that leftists are strong defenders of property rights. Superficially, this makes no sense, since they are also the ones who so adamantly attack property rights. "Property is theft," is one of their sayings. But when you get right down to the nitty-gritty and examine their demands what do you find? They are all about wanting something for nothing. While no leftist will admit it openly their basic credo is, "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine."

Though I am no saint, I have never supported this leftist model of social organization for the simple reason that I cannot see it working in the long run. It's unsustainable, to use a fashionable term. It's simple economics. People respond to incentives. If prices go up, people buy less and vice-versa. And in a society organized in accordance with leftist "principles" productive activity is disincentivized, while sloth and irresponsibility are rewarded. The trajectory of this upside-down incentive system is too easy to see. To each according to his need, regardless of whether that beneficiary lifts one finger to satisfy his own needs.

Theft is baked right into the leftist cake.

And since those who are being deprived of that which they earned tend to resist such an indignity, the left must devise ways of extracting those things of value they believe they have a right to.

And as every taxi driver soon learns, those who want something for nothing will lie, cheat, and steal to get it.

From the COVID-19 File

Panicked COVID Man

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